a data visualization project showing the inequality in time spent on unpaid work among the sexes
Invisble Work
data visualization
year: 2020-21
In 2015 Austria and the 192 other member states of the United Nations committed to pursuing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. They encompass social, ecological and economic aspects and are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The fifth goal is "Gender equality - achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls to self-determination" with the fourth sub-goal titled "Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate. " This is recorded under the indicator “Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location”. The relevant data are made available to the public through the UN data forum.
SDGviz AAward 2021
"Road to Bern"
winning poster
As part of the third UN World Data Forum in Bern, Switzerland initiated the Road to Bern project, a series of events in preparation for the event on October 3rd to 6th. Among other things, the SDGviz Award 2021 was organized. In this, students and young professionals are asked to design innovative data visualizations for one of the 17 SDGs. The SDGviz Award required for the contestants to follow a certain stylistic choices already made by the SDGviz team such as layout and font choice. Therefore a template to fill out with the individual data visualizations was provided. Selected as one of the top 10 best projects it was exhibited at Swiss Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) open day and will further be exhibited at the UN World Data Forum (UNWDF) in Bern, Switzerland, and on its virtual platform.
a data visualization project showing the inequality in time spent on unpaid work among the sexes
Invisble Work
data visualization
year: 2020-21
In 2015 Austria and the 192 other member states of the United Nations committed to pursuing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. They encompass social, ecological and economic aspects and are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The fifth goal is "Gender equality - achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls to self-determination" with the fourth sub-goal titled "Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate. " This is recorded under the indicator “Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location”. The relevant data are made available to the public through the UN data forum.
SDGviz AAward 2021
"Road to Bern"
winning poster
As part of the third UN World Data Forum in Bern, Switzerland initiated the Road to Bern project, a series of events in preparation for the event on October 3rd to 6th. Among other things, the SDGviz Award 2021 was organized. In this, students and young professionals are asked to design innovative data visualizations for one of the 17 SDGs. The SDGviz Award required for the contestants to follow a certain stylistic choices already made by the SDGviz team such as layout and font choice. Therefore a template to fill out with the individual data visualizations was provided. Selected as one of the top 10 best projects it was exhibited at Swiss Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) open day and will further be exhibited at the UN World Data Forum (UNWDF) in Bern, Switzerland, and on its virtual platform.